
I hope you smile

These are some JOYS that I find in the summer
I really hope that when you look at them you at least SMILE.

My Face while tubing at Lake Nacimiento
happiness, concentration, fear

Me and Ally Dancing like usual
Lake Nacimiento
take note of how CUTE we look

cool license plate.. i got a little too excited with this one

dancing at the Geisha House

PURE JOY at disneyland
all of our faces are amazing, especially the top left corner

pooh corner

creepy little boy on the ride at disneyland
kept licking his lips

fail of a jumping picture
and our faces are great

tubing at lake nacimiento

fat fanny's funnel cakes
translation: fat ass's funnel cakes
i had a food coma for about 24 hours

my face.. im just so scared

wake boarding fail

keith urban concert
we didnt even stay to see him on stage
and we were so out of place b/c we were dressed to go clubbing
at a country fair